Monday, September 23, 2013

9/11 Photographers Response

9/11 is a very important date in the U.S. It is a tragic date, yet very important in our nation. It teaches us not to repeat history. The most fascinating part I learned about it was how photography documented the attack. The photographers risked their lives to get amazing photographs. This attack was a part of our history and we should document as much as we can to make sure people remember what a terrible event this was. This shows the importance of photography and photojournalism because it helps us remember and it helps us to be informed about our history as the United States. This helps give the audience an image in their mind that they can remember rather than reading an article and memorizing it. As said before the pictures give you an image you can visualize some articles don't give you a clear enough visualization of what is going on or what went on. This event was big for photographers they were expected to document the attack because it affected the nation as a whole. The attack caused the U.S. to make changes in security that we use currently.

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