Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Merchants of Cool

I am interested in advertising, so I found the documentary “Merchants of Cool” interesting. I learned a lot about propaganda and advertising in middle school, so I could add more to my knowledge about advertising. I thought that teens were portrayed in an unfair way in marketing. I think that the marketers give a bad image of teens. Some adults don’t like teens because of one event or commercials. I think that marketers are only watching a certain group then reflecting off of them. I agree with the part when they said that media sends a message, then teens copy, and then media sells that. I think that media portrays a certain rebellious group of teens, then teens want to be like that, and then that’s what marketers think teens are like, so they continue. Manu people have insecurities these days and I think that’s the media’s fault because they are selling a false image. I don’t think that people are being true to themselves because they want to fit in with the “cool” kids. I think that media and marketers have divided society a little.

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